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Lakimiehet käsittelevät tietojasi luottamuksellisesti, eikä niitä tallenneta
Lakimiehet käsittelevät tietojasi luottamuksellisesti, eikä niitä tallenneta
16 vastausta
Soita lakimiehelle - 0600 12 450
Thank you for your inquiry.
According to Finnish law, male Finnish citizens who are living abroad are subjects to conscription call-up from the year they turn 18 years. Exemption from military service may be granted if a person has dual citizenship and has not been living in Finland for past seven years. In special cases exemption is possible for other reasons, or the service may be postponed.
Direct compensation of salary loss is not possible. Persons from abroad performing military service generally have the same rights to certain monetary benefits and free upkeep during the service as Finnish residents. Within certain limits, persons from abroad are entitled to government-paid travel or compensation for travel expenses caused by travel between home or place of residence and the service. Conscript receive a small daily allowance during service. It is also possible to receive additional conscript's allowance by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, in short Kela. This allowance is intended to provide assistance for certain living costs and special needs during military service. Persons from abroad are not required to be covered by the Finnish social security system to receive the allowance.
Huomaathan, että lainsäädäntö on saattanut joiltain osin muuttua.
Varmista asiasi lakipuhelimesta, soita
0600 12 450.